BIP 0016 QA

This page is a Quality Assurance test plan for BIP 16. If you see a test missing, please add it. If you can help test, please edit this page to sign-off on it.

Done Test Procedure Tested by
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 0.6 on testnet and main net<br />

Send coins using GUI, RCP sendtoaddress, and RCP sendmany commands<br /> Result: coins sent in all cases

Gavin Andresen
Test multisig 1-of-1<br />

Run 0.6 bitcoind, get a public key with: ./bitcoind -testnet validateaddress $(./bitcoind -testnet getnewaddress)<br /> Generate a multisig 1-of-1 address: ./bitcoind addmultisigaddress 1 {public key from above}<br /> Send-to-self some bitcoins using that address<br /> Result: transaction is confirmed by network, displays properly in listtransactions. Result: balance is unaffected

Gavin Andresen; see transactions in testnet block 44989

Test multisig 1-of-2<br />

Run 0.6 bitcoind, get 2 new bitcoin addresses<br /> Generate a multisig 1-of-2 address: ./bitcoind addmultisigaddress 1 {address1} {address2}<br /> Send-to-self some bitcoins using that address<br /> Result: transaction is confirmed by network, displays properly in listtransactions. Result: bitcoin balance is unaffected.

Gavin Andresen; see transactions in testnet block 44989

Test multisig 1-of-3, 2-of-3, 3-of-3<br />

Repeat test procedures above, with the other new multisignature transaction types

Gavin Andresen; see transactions in testnet block 44989
Test multisig send-to-other<br />

Repeat test procedures above, but use two bitcoinds, prepared as follows:<br /> bitcoind 1 : Run getnewaddress and addmultisigaddress<br /> bitcoind 2 : Just addmultisigaddress<br /> Send coins from 2 to 1 using the address<br /> Result: transaction is accepted/confirmed by network<br /> Result: balance for 2 goes down, listtransactions for 2 displays correct result<br /> Result: balance for 1 goes up, listtransactions for 1 displays correct result<br />

Gavin Andresen; see transactions in testnet block 44989

Test redeeming multisignature transactions<br />

Fund a new, empty wallet entirely with multisig transactions<br /> Wait for transactions to confirm<br /> Use sendtoaddress and sendmany to generate spend-from-multisig transactions<br /> Spend to both single-address and multisig address, and test send-to-other and send-to-self<br /> Result: transactions are accepted/confirmed by network<br /> Result: balance decreases, listtransactions displays correct information<br />

Gavin Andresen; see transactions in testnet block 44989

Run 0.6 Bitcoin-Qt GUI on one of the test wallets from above<br />

Result: balance and transactions displayed correctly

Gavin Andresen
Run BIP-16-capable backport Bitcoin 0.3.19 through 0.5.1 on testnet and main net<br />

Send coins using GUI, RCP sendtoaddress, and RCP sendmany commands<br /> Result: coins sent in all cases

Gavin Andresen (tested 0.3.19, 0.3.24 and 0.5.1)
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 0.6.0 on testnet<br />

Mine coins using built-in miner<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Gavin Andresen
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 0.6.0 on testnet<br />

Mine coins using getwork interface<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Gavin Andresen
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 0.6.0 on testnet<br />

Mine coins using getmemorypool interface<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Gregory Maxwell; Using p2pool see testnet block 45400 (and many others, also tested on mainnet)
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 0.3.19 through 0.5.1 backports on testnet<br />

Mine coins using built-in miner<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Gavin Andresen (tested all on a testnet-in-a-box)
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 3.19 through 0.5.1 backports on testnet<br />

Mine coins using getwork interface<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Gavin Andresen (tested all on a testnet-in-a-box)
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 0.3.19 through 0.5.1 backports on testnet<br />

Mine coins using built-in miner<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Gavin Andresen (tested all on a testnet-in-a-box)
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 3.19 through 0.5.1 backports on testnet<br />

Mine coins using getwork interface<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Gavin Andresen (tested all on a testnet-in-a-box)
Run BIP-16-capable Bitcoin 3.19 through 0.5.1 backports on testnet<br />

Mine coins using getmemorypool interface<br /> Result: blocks accepted, show up on<br /> Result: mined blocks’ coinbase contains /P2SH/ string

Create/run unit tests for:<br />

multisignature signing/verification<br /> multisignature invalid signature failure<br /> multisignature IsStandard() success/failure<br /> extraction of addresses from multisignature transactions<br /> BIP 16 IsStandard() success/failure (including failure with OP_PUSHDATA1/2/4)<br /> BIP 16 AreInputsStandard() success/failure<br /> BIP 16 compatibility with other 3 standard transaction types<br /> BIP 16 no-recursion test<br /> BIP 16 switchover date logic<br /> OP_CHECKMULTISIG counting of signature operations inside BIP 16 transactions<br />

Gavin Andresen (see test/multisig_tests.cpp, test/script_tests.cpp, test/script_P2SH_tests.cpp, test/sigopcount_tests.cpp in the bitcoin source tree; ‘make test_bitcoin’ in src/ directory to compile)
Create/run ‘transaction fuzzer’ to stress-test BIP 16 transactions Gavin Andresen ( , run twice on both testnet-in-a-box and testnet with 100,000 ‘fuzzed’ transactions each test run) Valid fuzzed transactions appeared in (for example) testnet block 44987
Run Bitcoin 0.6 on main net <br />

Result: blocks created properly Result: blocks include /P2SH/ string in their coinbase

various mining pools
Run BIP 16 vinced_mergedmine backport on main net <br />

Result: blocks created properly Result: blocks include /P2SH/ string in their coinbase

(Gavin for slush: after bug fixes, running with no issues)<br />
Test chain-split handling on testnet-in-a-box <br />

Create two valid hash, invalid signature transactions in two blocks separated in time on a testnet-in-a-box chain<br /> Run a bitcoind to synchronize with the chain, with -paytoscripthashtime set in between the two blocks<br/> Result: first transaction/block accepted, second causes a chain split<br/> Re-run bitcoind with -paytoscripthashtime in the future<br/> Result: entire chain accepted

Gavin Andresen: testnet-in-a-box files at: first half-valid BIP16 transaction at block 2431 (time 1328202835) second at block 2436 (time 1328204241)<br />


See Also on BitcoinWiki