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BitNautic ICO Review
BitNautic ICO
Ticker: BTNT
ICO start: 2018-06-01 00:00:00
ICO end: 2018-07-30 23:59:59
Price: 1ETH = 500 BTNT
Bonus: 1
Tokentype: ERC20
Hardcap: 50000 ETH
Softcap: 5000 ETH
Platform: Ethereum
Distributed: 70%
Minimum: 0.05 ETH
Accepting: ETH

BitNautic is a decentralized platform, based on the Ethereum Blockchain, for matching demand and supply of shipping services, for all the industry stakeholders: producers of goods, ship owners, charterers, brokers, importers and exporters.

BitNautic comes with distinctive features like AThey (Artificial Intelligence) based booking system, a real-time tracking of ships and cargo, and a wholesale e-commerce platform.



Today, shipping industry accounts of around 90% of the value of the World Trade. Shipping is the life blood of the global economy. Without shipping, intercontinental trade, the bulk transport of raw materials, and the import/export of affordable food and manufactured goods would simply not be possible. This hugely valuable industry has been troubled for years by challenges like overcapacity, highly variable freight rates, security threats and increasing regulations. On the other hand, local producers, charterers and shippers, especially the ones operating from developing countries, are facing several problems when it comes to shipping, like the high number of intermediaries, the expensive freight rates, the lack of transparency, the limited number of sea lines, and the difficulties in shipping small cargo. It’s a well-known fact in the industry that global shipping has to increase efficiency, improve processes and perform a fundamental digital transformation, to ensure future profitability for the ship owners, and to provide more opportunities for the charterers and producers all over the world. To solve the industry critical problems, we are creating BitNautic, a distributed platform, based on the Ethereum Blockchain, for matching demand and supply of shipping services, for all the industry stakeholders: producers of goods, ship owners, charterers, brokers, importers and exporters. In our vision BitNautic contribution to the digitalization and decentralization of the shipping industry, will contribute to the growth of developing countries, in an open market and free trade, increasing international trade and cooperation, public-private partnerships within the industry, knowledge sharing, and bridging the gap between government regulators and the shipping industry. BitNautic has started his operations with a focus on the emerging countries of the Africa continent. BitNautic development and expansion will be funded with the Crowdsale of the BitNautic Token BTNT, used to access the BitNautic platform.


Q1 2017: Project Concept
Q2 2017: Project Development
Q4 2017: BitNautic Platform MVP Available for Private Testing
Q1 2018: Project Moved to Switzerland. BitNautic Sagal incorporated. Private Pre-Sale of BTNT Tokens
Q2 2018: ICO (Crowdsale) of BTNT Tokens
Q3 2018: BitNautic platform (Available for public testing) Establishment of partnerships with selected Carriers BTNT Tokens listed on the exchange
Q4 2018: BitNautic Platform official release
Q1 2019: Shipping platform integrated with blockchain
Q2 2019: Wholesale E-Commerce available for public testing
Q3 2019: E-commerce platform beta version release[1]


name: title: links: group: photo: iss:
Jay Addison President, EventChain Advisors Jay Addison photo 18.1
Rosheel Baig Blockchain Advisor Advisors Rosheel Baig photo 5.3
Marco Sala Legal Advisor Advisors 6.6
Marcus Dreyer ICO Advisor Advisors Marcus Dreyer photo 4.3
Thomas Contin Legal Advisor Advisors 6.6
Amarpreet Singh ICO Advisor Advisors Amarpreet Singh photo 102.4
Oliver Ko Financial Advisor Advisors Oliver Ko photo 4.3
Pankaj Gupta Corporate Advisor Advisors Pankaj Gupta photo 22.2
John Van der Vos ICO Advisor and Entrepreneur Advisors John Van der Vos photo 17
Edward Melikyan Marketing Strategist Advisors Edward Melikyan photo 4.3
Cristian Slivca Community manager, Czech Republic Advisors Cristian Slivca photo 4.3
Anmol Bajwa Co-Founder Team Member Anmol Bajwa photo 4.3
Garry Singh Chief Information Officer Team Member Garry Singh photo 4.3
Ashton Addison Chief Marketing Strategist Team Member 20.3
Gianfranco Pierini Chief Executive Officer Team Member Gianfranco Pierini photo 4.3
Suzat Fernandes Business Development Manager Team Member 4.3
Paolo Angelini Lead Back-end Engineer Team Member Paolo Angelini photo 4.3
Carlo Vespa Lead Front-end Engineer Team Member Carlo Vespa photo 4.3
Akshay Patil Bounty Manager Team Member Akshay Patil photo 4.3
Beata Sudar Investor Relations Team Member Beata Sudar photo 4.3
Richard Zoni Chief Technology Officer Team Member 6.6
Nicolai Zaccariello Community Manager Team Member Nicolai Zaccariello photo 4.3
Francesco Oliverio Project Manager Team Member 4.3
Muhammad Salman Anjum Chief Relationship Officer Team Member Muhammad Salman Anjum photo 4.3
Savio Gomez, Capt Chief Shipping Officer Team Member Savio Gomez, Capt photo 35.1
Ciro Borrelli Community Manager Team Member Ciro Borrelli photo 4.3
Saverio Salaris Head of Marketing Team Member Saverio Salaris photo 4.3

External links

BitNautic on Twitter
[ttps:// BitNautic on Telegram]
BitNautic on Facebook
BitNautic on Medium
BitNautic on Bitcointalk
BitNautic on Reddit
BitNautic on Youtube
BitNautic Official Website
BitNautic Bounty
BitNautic Whitepaper



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