
Ignis (JLRDA)logo

Ignis (JLRDA) is the first child chain of Ardor. It will use IGNIS tokens for its operation. All existing and well tested Nxt blockchain features will be available on the Ignis child chain, with multiple Ardor platform specific enhancements being added.



Ignis (JLRDA) – Child Chain on Ardor Blockchain.

Project website

ICO start date: 2017-08-05


The first child chain of Ardor will be the Ignis child chain which will use IGNIS tokens for its operation. All existing and well tested Nxt blockchain features will be available on the Ignis child chain, with multiple Ardor platform specific enhancements being added.


Restrict access to a blockchain account or prohibit transactions without approval by multiple parties.

Rules can be written for each account to limit the terms of a transaction. Features of Account Control include setting a lock on an account to prohibit any outgoing transactions and defining a set of rules for unlocking the account.


Initiate transactions with easy names. All aliases will end with a period preceeding the name of the child chain.

Aliasing simply allows one piece of text to be substituted for another, so that chosen words or phrases can be used to represent other things like names, telephone numbers, physical addresses, websites, account numbers, email addresses, product SKU codes… almost anything you can think of.

Aliases can be easily understood as “ThisText = ThatText”

In a simple use case you could create an easy-to-remember alias for your blockchain account number. But since Aliasing is open-ended, it can be used to implement a decentralized DNS system, shopping cart applications, and more.


The Ignis Asset Exchange is a peer-to-peer exchange built directly into the Ignis wallet, allowing secure and fast decentralized trading of Ignis Assets. This eliminates the need to transfer assets or to put trust in an outside agency or business. Ignis Assets can be used to represent literally anything (from Bitcoin to coffee beans) and there are a wide range of potential investments or trades to be made on the Ignis Asset Exchange.

Introduction to the Ardor Platform


  • Private equities
  • Public equities
  • Bonds
  • Derivatives (futures, forwards, swaps, options and more complex variations)
  • Voting rights associated with any of the above
  • Commodities
  • Coupons
  • Vouchers
  • Reservations (restaurants, hotels, queues, etc)
  • Movie tickets
  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Trademarks
  • Software licenses
  • Videogame licenses
  • Music/movie/book licenses (DRM)


Optionally allow users to mix funds quickly and efficiently with other users’ funds to further increase privacy.

CoinShuffling is a privacy feature which enables users to mix their funds quickly and efficiently with other users’ funds by creating a random mapping between the existing user accounts and new recipient accounts provided by the users.


Store data securely right on the blockchain. This can be either public or private and is time stamped.

Data Cloud feature provides decentralized data storage secured and verified by the blockchain.


Have a blockchain marketplace where anyone can buy and sell physical and digital items.

The Marketplace enables direct peer-to-peer trading on the blockchain. It is an open decentralized store for all digital goods. You may sell or purchase software, music, video, ebooks or any other kind of digital good here. Simply browse the available products, place an order and the seller will send you information on how to download the good (usually a link) inside the blockchain system.

Although Marketplace was designed for buying and selling digital merchandise, physical items have also been listed for sale.


Create customizable monetary system tokens in addition to the child chain native token.

The Monetary System allows users to create new decentralized currencies in the security of an existing blockchain. The Monetary System enables the launch of altcoins without going through the trouble of bootstrapping the currency with its own blockchain and network, thereby removing a major impediment to easy, real-world adoption and use of different customized cryptocurrencies.

Highly customizable parameters and properties allow for the creation of bespoke and niche currencies for highly specific applications, crowdfunding coins, ‘regular’ altcoins, reward points, coins pegged to fiat currencies or precious metals.


Create automatic conditional or unconditional transactions on the blockchain with deferred execution.

Phasing is a blockchain feature that allows certain phasing-safe transactions to be created with conditional deferred execution based on the result of a vote, on a list of linked transactions or on the revelation of a secret; or simply with unconditional deferred execution.


Plugins will be able to be installed to increase and customize functionality.

Plugins are authored by third party developers and made available to the blockchain at user discretion.

By developing a plugin, you can add functionality to the blockchain client.


Send encrypted messages and files on the blockchain without a centralized system.

At its simplest, Secure Messaging involves sending a string of text from one account to another. These messages can be viewed within the client. There is an option to encrypt each message. If they are left unencrypted, they can be read by anyone since the blockchain is a public record of every transaction.

Secure Messages often take the form of SMS-length communications between users. But the term ‘message’ is a loose one: as well as being used to send public or encrypted text messages to each other, Secure Messages can also be used to send up to 1,000 bytes of any form of data.

Secure Messaging is a simple concept but the applications for this feature are extensive. Messages can be used to build a vast range of projects, from simple messaging apps to file-sharing services, torrent applications, voting systems, data storage systems, simple distributed applications, decentralised applications, and higher-level blockchain services.


Decentralized polling for secure and anonymous voting.

Using the Voting System any account can create a poll with one question and up to 100 answers. Voting privileges are determined by the poll creator and can depend on different variables such as account balance or whether a certain asset or currency is owned by the account.

The Ignis client will provide six options under the Voting System:


  • This item expands or contracts the submenu below and opens the Active Polls screen.

Active Polls

  • This item displays a list of all active (unfinished) polls and their properties.

Followed Polls

  • This item displays a list of all polls followed (monitored) by the logged-in account as shown in the Followed Polls screen, where where polls can be voted in and ongoing aggregate results viewed.

My Votes

  • This item displays a list of all polls already voted in by the logged-in account; from this screen polls can be followed and the results viewed when finished.

My Polls

  • This item displays a list of all polls created by the logged-in account; from this screen polls can be followed and either voted in while still active or the results viewed when finished.

Create Poll

  • This item opens a pop-up entry form for creating a poll.

More information in the project whitepaper: https://www.jelurida.com/sites/default/files/JeluridaWhitepaper.pdf


Official Wiki Page:


The latest versions of the Ardor Blockchain Wallet:






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Ardor NXT Group Community Discord. Win prices by contributing in ongoing conversations. Every week 350 Ignis will be shared to the most contributing Community members.

  • 1st price 200 Ignis
  • 2nd Price 100 Ignis
  • 3rd Price 50 Ignis

Please be aware that if you are not ranked, you are not able to post links. This due to anti-spam measurements. Thanks for understanding! Please join #general and say hi to the crowd or feel free to participate directly in ongoing conversations.


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  • Our Bot is here to help, if you type “!help” then you can see available commands.
  • Please read the rules by typing “!rules” or by taking a look at the pinned message in #welcome , thx !
  • Please adjust your settings so that “Wally” is allowed to send you messages.

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See Also on BitcoinWiki

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Cryptocurrency Exchange Software