
Jelurida official logo

Jelurida is a company that is developing its next-generation scalable blockchain platform Ardor. The unique design of this platform allows the simultaneous existence of multiple chains of blocks, known as child chains, with many features and global security guarantees using the Ardor parent chain. Ardor’s first child chain is the Ignis chain, which uses IGNIS tokens for its operation. All existing and well-tested Nxt locking features are available in the Ignis child chain with the addition of additional features to the Ardor platform. Ardor is an open-source blockchain platform based on the use of sidechains. Jelurida Swiss SA was founded in 2016.


Ardor platform

The Ardor blockchain uses the PoS consensus algorithm and it is the next stage in the development of the NXT platform, which was created by the developers of Jelurida BV back in 2013. The expectations of the blockchain industry from the Ardor platform are extremely high, as it promises to solve a number of important issues that the industry currently faces. Ardor architecture allows users to create their own, individual blockchains using sidechain technology – sidechain blocks based on the main blockchain. Transactions entering the main blockchain from the sidechains are deleted from it every 24 hours. Although specially designed nodes (the so-called archive nodes) can store all the necessary information. This approach allows, if necessary, to scale the network bandwidth, significantly increasing its load, and does not require specialized technical knowledge of users.

NXT platform

The NXT cryptocurrency platform is developed by Jelurida. It has been working and has been actively used in production for several years. Developed based on Java, the most appropriate programming language for financial applications, NXT allows users to develop and add new features quickly. As a new generation of blockchain, it was developed from scratch and had wider functionality than simple money transfer transactions. The NXT platform supports:

  • trading tokens created by users themselves (asset exchange),
  • transferring and purchasing digital goods,
  • decentralized crowdfunding,
  • a voting system with flexible vote-counting parameters,
  • execution of conditional transactions by phases (similar to multiple signatures (multisig) in Bitcoin, but more powerful),
  • messaging and many other features.

New functionality is regularly updated with a team of developers with new features every few months, which proves the flexible architecture of the platform.


See Also on BitcoinWiki