
LivenPay is the world’s first global lifestyle economy powered by blockchain, with a growing payment network of over 400,000 users and more than 1,000 merchants.

Shortcomings of contemporary cryptocurrencies include price volatility, the difficulty of use, and incompatibility with existing financial infrastructure, making them unsuitable for everyday use. Liven is an established mobile payment and loyalty platform for the food and beverage industry that seeks to solve these fundamental problems with a universal network rewards currency, whereby users participate in an economy in which they transact in-app and receive a reward to be used within Liven’s network of merchants.

Users have the option of saving their earnings in their Liven Wallet or donating to a nominated non-profit or community organization. LivenCoin (LVN) is a business-backed blockchain token governed by a decentralized reward protocol, launching on an existing network of more than 1,000 brick-and-mortar merchants and 400,000 users. The LVN platform, with a technical reach of more than 20,000 venues through Point of Sale integration, and the LivenPay API will enable immediate adoption of the platform by everyday people, making it accessible to businesses and consumers through integration with fiat networks, and ready for transacting at thousands of partner merchants on day one of implementation.

“LivenPay”, “Liven” and the LivenCoin (LVN) Token System are developed and maintained by Liven Pty Ltd, an Australia-based company which began in 2014.

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See Also on BitcoinWiki