
Loki is a privacy coin that is based on Monero. Because of this, Loki has Monero’s privacy features, Ring CT built into it. The added improvements that Loki offers are, one can run private decentralized apps on the coin. The first SNApp will be a messaging service. Loki will also allow users to build SNApps on the network, using an SDK that is to be released around March 2019. This coin reminds me of Zencash, and it is interesting to see this type of coin on the Cryptonight Heavy algorithm.


Loki Review

Loki is a privacy network which will allow users to transact and communicate privately over the internet, providing a suite of tools to help maintain the maximum amount of anonymity possible while browsing, transacting and communication online.

Using the decentralised nature of blockchain technology, Loki creates new private and secure methods of interacting with the internet, as well as building privacy-centric applications, such as messaging services, forums, online marketplaces, and social media platforms.

Service Nodes

Service Nodes do the heavy lifting on the Loki network and get a significant financial reward for their efforts. With Service Nodes you can host services, run SNApps, and browse the Lokinet. Get paid to make the internet a more private place.

SNApps (Service Node Applications)

SNApps allow you to host hidden private web applications inside of Lokinet. With SNApps you can build censorship resistant social media platforms, news sites, marketplaces and other communities. The possibilities are endless.


Lokinet is a unique, blockchain enforced and incentivized mixnet, where you can browse the internet anonymously visit and host private websites all without exposing your identity or IP address.

Loki Messenger

Loki Messenger is a decentralized private messaging application for all platforms. Have peace of mind with anonymity and an unstoppable messaging app.


External links

See Also on BitcoinWiki