

Lynked.World – Through Blockchain.

Lynked.World is a blockchain based ecosystem and development platform which provides a multi-faceted solution for individuals and organizations to own, control and share digitally trusted identity, data and documents in a secure and convenient way. It which enables individuals and businesses to build customized forms and applications to provide different services to consumers, without needing to be concerned about the authenticity of shared data, documents and digital identities of the entities involved in a convenient and secure way.


Project Summary

“All of the existing social platforms offer simple networking without having any mechanism to enforce the trust and authenticity of user identity, data, and documents shared within the platform. In comparison, our platform is based on the core principals of trust and authenticity of digital persona and any digitally shared data. Apart from being a trusted network, our product portfolio has been built using state of the art concepts and technologies. We believe our feature-rich platform is well positioned to solve real-life problems spanning multiple industry verticals. Some unique features of our platform are:

  • Easy to use configurable forms, with auto-fill and one-click submission.
  • Dynamic and Configurable profile for users and organizations.
  • Design and issue of blockchain based Digital access and ID card.
  • Design and issue of certificates verifiable on the blockchain.
  • Conveniently share documents with configurable QR Codes.
  • Verified and Trusted Professional Network – Users profiles with verified and authenticated identity, education and experience.
  • Instant Identity and Background Verification Platform.
  • Job Portal with access to thousands of verifiable profiles.
  • Application development platform – unlimited possibilities for our partners to build various applications enforcing trust and authenticity of digital identity and data, hosted on our ecosystem or connected externally using our APIs. e.g. Q-App, access management, attendance management, e-voting, multi-signature contract.
  • Secure login with Lynked.World digital identity.
  • All personal data and documents are stored on user’s device which greatly reduces the chances of data hack.

ICO Details

  1. Token PRE sale Round 1 start date and time(UTC) – 00:00 GMT+2 on Nov 15 2018
  2. Token PRE sale Round 1 end date and time (UTC) – 23:59 GMT+2 on Dec 6 2018
  3. Token PRE sale Round 2 start date and time(UTC) – 00:00 GMT+2 on Dec 7 2018
  4. Token PRE sale Round 2 end date and time (UTC) – 23:59 GMT+2 on Dec 28 2018
  5. Token PRE sale Round 3 start date and time(UTC) – 00:00 GMT+2 on Dec 29 2018
  6. Token PRE sale Round 3 end date and time (UTC) – 23:59 GMT+2 on Jan 19 2019
  7. Token sale start date and time(UTC) – 23:59 GMT+2 on Jan 20 2019
  8. Token sale end date and time (UTC) – 23:59 GMT+2 on Feb 10 2019

When will tokens be distributed to participants At the end of each Token Sale Round

Total supply of token, for crowdsale, team e.t.c.

  • Circulating Supply: 200,000,000
  • Token Sale: 150,000,00075%
  • Advisors & Team 10,000,000 – 5%
  • Seed Investors: 10,000,000 – 5%
  • Bounty & Marketing: 10,000,000 – 5%
  • Founders & Management: 20,000,000 – 10%

ICO price of token

1 LYNK = 0.35$

Details of the token

Accepted currencies ETH, BTC

Project Category Business Services

Total Supply 200,000,000 Tokens

Max Supply 500,000,000 Tokens

Start Bonus 35%

Is your token required for users to fill a specific role on the network (e.g. act as an oracle, arbitrate disputes, validate accounts etc.) KYC/AML

Will more tokens be created after the token sale ends NO

How many tokens will be offered in the sale 150,000,000 LYNK Tokens

What is the maximum raise amount for your sale? [please provide number and relevant units e.g. 1000 ETH or 4000000 USD] 150,000,000 LYNK Tokens Will your token sale do KYC/AML YES

When do you anticipate a minimal viable product (MVP) will be released? Already live

Who do you see as your main competitors? Please ref. page 37 on WP

Any restrictions in who can participate? USA, Syria Citizen

fundraising goal 150,000,000 LYNK Tokens

When are tokens issued? At the end of each Token Sale Round

ICO Soft Cap NA

ICO Hard Cap 150,000,000 LYNK Tokens

Country of operation The Netherlands


Legal Adviser “Adam Tracy, 2100 MManchester Road, Suite 615 Wheaton, IL 60187″

Legal Form “KoinWorx BV , Reina Prinsen Geerligsdreef 89 2135 HS Hoofddorp The Netherlands “

Have a Working Prototype? Product is live

Using an Escrow? No

Project Country The Netherlands

Social media

  1. Github code repository
  2. BitcoinTalk announcement link
  3. Reddit link
  4. Twitter profile

See Also on BitcoinWiki