Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination

The Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination (QUID) is a proposed “space currency” created as a campaign launched by with the London-based public relations and advertising firm, talkPR. The full name is a from ‘quid’, a slang term for the . The campaign stated that Travelex was launching a new form of money for that had no sharp edges, was chemically , and had other advantages over paper money. The campaign was launched in the midst of intense press coverage of the news. The story was picked up by major news agencies in the UK, and soon after, the US. Science magazines and technological blog writers weighed in on the topic, calling it “useless” and “nonsense”, further spreading the story.

Statements by members of the NSC and the (who started the NSC) were added to the campaign release.<ref name=”quidpr”/> When the campaign concluded, NSC received the resulting coins and put them on display in their Space|Now display.

See Also on BitcoinWiki

