Sora Ventures

Sora Ventures official logo

Sora Ventures is one of the leading venture capital firms in Asia, specializing in crypto investments, digital assets, and startups using blockchain technology. The firm was founded in 2018. Sora Ventures is actively implementing and developing a new venture model designed to scale up blockchain projects and facilitate the transition of projects to blockchain around the world. The headquarter of the company situated in Hong Kong.



Sora Ventures team consist of:

  • Jason Fang – Managing Partner
  • Siyuan Chen – Partner
  • Sandy Zhang – Vice-President
  • Calvin Poon – Analyst
  • Nate Hu – Analyst


Sora Ventures cooperate with the companies:

  • Mithril
  • Takara Gaming Group
  • Origin Protocol
  • Tari
  • BTC Inc
  • Numerai
  • Fuel Games
  • The Block
  • Urbit and others.

Mitnril was the first project on which Sora Ventures was involved. It was founded by the chairman of M17, the leading streaming platform in Asia and the largest software development company in Taiwan. The goal of the project was to introduce the concept of social mining Mithril (which was integrated into Lit, a product jointly managed by M17 and Mithril) into all social networks in order to improve the quality of content and business efficiency. Lit proved that the model saves costs for both consumers and businesses that use these social networks to increase brand awareness.

Strategy of Sora Ventures

Money effect for industry protocols

Sora’s primary investment is in introducing the blockchain into traditional companies using ICO incubators in Asia. The company focuses on incubators that are located in Asia because consumers in Asia are more willing to implement and develop new technologies (for example, Alipay and Wechat Pay). Here are the core characteristics when selecting a project to invest:

  • Reverse-ICO, which means an equity company is launching a token offering as a strategy.
  • The activities of a joint-stock company should be prohibited or absent altogether in China (for regulatory reasons).
  • The company must have a monopoly in Asia’s market of cryptocurrency.

Sora Ventures’ investment projects should have a hybrid model in which 20% -30% of all technologies are built using Ethereum, since, according to Sora, it remains the most effective platform for building and developing blockchain technologies. The rest of the technology in incubation companies should have a centralized model. According to words of managing partner of the firm Jason Fung, this is the most practical approach, since it allows users in an existing business to get all the benefits of blockchain technology without changing the entire technological structure of Sora Ventures’.


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