

Telescopia offers unprecedented multilingual live telescope experience that encapsulates a vast network of services offered in one bundle containing: live control, video feed, consultants, tour guides, professional image capturing (astrophotography), infra-red astronomy, lecture rooms, mixed reality experience throughout all services and a telescope marketplace. Telescopia operates in a peer to peer fashion where all services are provided from a network of telescope owners (provider). The providers are managed in democratic approach where all services are handled based on an election algorithm to effectively normalise the earnings among Telescopia providers.


Our goal is to facilitate amateur astronomers telescopes ( providers ) to offer low cost and high quality alternative to traditional telescopes; Opening greater educational horizon that enlighten the students and researchers all over the world.


Exploration and Educational

Telescopia revolutionize how teachers, students and researchers use telescopes, by helping them create powerful materials and reports using an actual scientific machine (telescope) and mindful narraters. While opening a new lens of reality to all of us so we can explore and traverse our vast universe.

Mobility and Accessibility

Telescopia offers fast, affordable and easy way to explore our vast universe in the comfort of the computer screen 24 hours and 365 day using cutting edge telescopes and accessories, wide range of narraters and tour guides.


Amateur astronomers (providers) will have the ability to use their telescopes to earn profit by connecting their telescopes and equipments to Telescopia. Astrophotographers will have the ability to capture state of the art cosmos images all day and year round.

Telescopia Website:

Medium Articles:


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