

Tycoon is a Startup/ICO based in Germany and started in 2018. As Professional Traders, the founders of this project have evaluated all available Social Trading Platforms for personal use, but were unable to find a solution that has been developed with the Trader in mind. Most of the existing solutions do not meet the needs of Professional Traders. As a result there is weak adoption and limited use for Retail Traders. Therefore the founders of this project decided to develop their own platform that addresses all those needs, ensuring to meet the demands of professional traders to achieve real adoption.

Solution Approach
Using Tycoon inexperienced investors are able to delegate above-mentioned difficulties to an expert. A mere single login opens the door to the world of Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency trading. The investor is able to use his demo account, explore the platform, gain initial experience in the crypto-market and select his favorite traders immediately upon the first login. The platform is providing necessary instructions for the first steps of every user, like creating wallets on supported exchanges. With only one registration on Tycoon, investors receive easy access to cryptocurrencies and experienced traders. In contrast to available solutions on the market, Tycoon only publishes strategies actually implemented by the respective trader in their own portfolio. The platform recognizes and processes all trades in real time. This feature ensures a maximum of transparency with regards to past trading results. This leads to a bulletproof foundation for successful cryptocurrency trading.

Tycoon Review

Tycoon is the first fully-automatic social crypto trading platform with real cryptocurrency. Tycoon serves as a secured interface between professional traders and end users. All activities of the traders are monitored via a secured API connection in real time and can be copied to a follower’s portfolio automatically. Each user manages his own investments at his preferred exchange, being able to access his portfolio at any time. The followers can freely assign a part of their volume to each selected trader and set an individual stop loss. Selecting multiple traders allows for diversifying investments to optimize your portfolio management.

Tycoon Coin (TYC)

The demand for the Tycoon token will increase as the platform grows in popularity, for the token offers users a significant discount on the fees. When settling profit share fees using the Tycoon token, the follower receives the following discount:

1st year 2nd year 3rd year
Discount 25% 15% 10%

When settling connection fees using the Tycoon token, the follower receives the following discount:

1st year 2nd year 3rd year
Discount 20% 10% no discount

Data privacy protection
Demo mode can be used by anyone without KYC verification. KYC (Know your customer) means the verification of the personal data of new customers. It serves to prevent money laundering and contributes to the security and reliability of the platform. Each user appears on the platform with an alias. The trader does not have access to personal data of his followers at any time. Only the traders with their key figures will be recognizable on the platform in order to present the selection options for the followers. Contact between followers is not planned. Traders can post content in the newsfeed which can be seen by followers and other traders. Comment functions are not provided. Followers and traders can rate posts as they wish.

A complete description of the project “Tycoon” can be found here: https://www.tycoon.io/whitepaper.pdf