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Unboxed ICO Review
Unboxed ICO
Ticker: NBOX
ICO start: 2018-08-01 00:00:00
ICO end: 2018-09-30 00:00:00
Price: 1 NBOX = 0.057 USD
Bonus: 1
Tokens: 382500000
Tokentype: ERC20
Hardcap: 15,000,000 USD
Softcap: 1,500,000 USD
Raised: 0
Platform: Ethereum
Distributed: 51%
Minimum: 0.1 ETH
Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat

Unboxed is a fully functioning technology utilized by over 100+ brands globally (spanning the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Denmark, Norway and the Baltics). Over 40,000 lines of code, 100s of iterations, and product pivots throughout the year have enabled company to today deliver large scale word-of-mouth campaigns that involve millions of everyday social media users.

Unboxed offers the perfect cure for companies sick of wasting time and money on influencer marketing companies that rely on labour intensive processes for finding the right influencers, negotiating deals, and managing relationships. These high touch processes limit the number of social media users who can be involved in word-of-mouth campaigns and businesses usually end up working with a small group of social media users – influencers or celebrities.

With blockchain and AI, we replace this small pool of influencers with millions of everyday social media users – Unboxers and enable anyone to get paid to post on social media.



A Massive Market
Brands are spending over 36 billion US dollars on social media ads per year. These ads are often times ignored and not trusted by people. Meanwhile, 9 out of 10 people trust content posted by someone they know. That, is where Unboxed comes in. match-make brands with social media users that create and post authentic brand related content. It enables a lot better engagement, creates real brand advocacy and word-of-mouth effect. It also empowers social media users.
A Working Business
Unboxed is a fully functioning technology utilized by over 100+ brands globally (spanning the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Norway and the Baltics). Over 40,000 lines of code, hundreds of iterations, and product pivots throughout the year have enabled company to today deliver large scale word-of-mouth campaigns that involve millions of everyday social media users.
The Perfect Cure
Unboxed offers the perfect cure for companies sick of wasting time and money on influencer marketing companies that rely on labour intensive processes for finding the right influencers, negotiating deals, and managing relationships. These high touch processes limit the number of social media users who can be involved in word-of-mouth campaigns and businesses usually end up working with a small group of social media users – influencers or celebrities. 
Involving everyone
thought outside the box and came up with a solution that allows us to replace this small pool of influencers with millions of everyday social media users – who we call Unboxers. also replace campaign managers with marketing experts who can manage thousands of campaigns in a decentralized manner, by combining Awith an independent network of marketing experts. With that, we enable social media users to get their share of the $36bn market.
The Plan
business is set to grow from operating in 10 countries at present to working in over 100 markets. To accelerate the process we will build a team of 125 professionals by 2021.


2015: Graduated from enterprise focused Alchemist accelerator. Raised funds from 12 angel investors.
2016: Launched an MVP.
2017: Launched Unboxed platform. Brands like Philips, Huawei, Nestle, Mars chose Unboxed as a trusted partner. Started to build a network of Marketing Experts.
2017: Conducting campaigns in U.S., Canada, UK, Germany, Norway etc.
2018 Q3: – Finishing the $15M fundraising
– Introduction of tokens into the platform
– Platform development
2019 Q2: – Introduction of blockchain oracles into the platform
2022 Q1: – Becoming the go-to platform for brands looking for word-of-mouth marketing
– Expanding team from 15 to 125+ professionals[1]


name: title: links: group: photo: iss:
Tadas Deksnys Ceo & Founder https://www.linkedin.com/in/tadasdeksnys/ Tadas Deksnys photo 4.8
Donatas Smailys CBDO https://www.linkedin.com/in/smailys/ Donatas Smailys photo 4.8
Theodosis Mourouzis Blockchain https://www.linkedin.com/in/theodosis-mourouzis-phd-58556a15/ Theodosis Mourouzis photo 15
Vytenis Narušis CTO https://www.linkedin.com/in/vytenisnarusis/ Vytenis Narušis photo 4.8
Augustinas Tarabilda Business Developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/augustinas-tarabilda-b81665b5/ Augustinas Tarabilda photo 4.8
Dovydas Reinikevičius CMO https://www.linkedin.com/in/dovydasreinikevicius/ Dovydas Reinikevičius photo 4.8
Andrius Pocius UI/UX Expert https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrius-pocius/ Andrius Pocius photo 4.8
Justina Valytė Senior Account Manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/justina-valyt%C4%97-a1218a148/ Justina Valytė photo 4.8
Lauryna Tamošiūnaitė Senior Account Manager https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurynatamosaityte/ Lauryna Tamošiūnaitė photo 4.8
Miglė Rastauskaitė Marketing Specialist https://www.linkedin.com/in/migle-rastauskaite/ Miglė Rastauskaitė photo 4.8
Vilius Vaičiulis Software Developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/vilius-vai%C4%8Diulis-27b28b128/ Vilius Vaičiulis photo 4.8
Vėjūnė Krašinskienė Marketing Specialist https://www.linkedin.com/in/v%C4%97j%C5%ABn%C4%97-kra%C5%A1inskien%C4%97-17b45a38/ Vėjūnė Krašinskienė photo 4.8
Andrius Gelžinis Junior Business Developer https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrius-gel%C5%BEinis-94196a137/ Andrius Gelžinis photo 4.8
Ieva Mackevičiūtė Marketing Specialist https://www.linkedin.com/in/ieva-mackeviciute/ Ieva Mackevičiūtė photo 4.8
Juergen Brock https://www.linkedin.com/in/juergen-kaiuwe-brock/ Advisor Juergen Brock photo 4.8
Daniel Tawiah https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-tawiah-8291b26/ Advisor Daniel Tawiah photo 4.8
Cristobal Alonso https://www.linkedin.com/in/cristobalalonso/ Advisor Cristobal Alonso photo 11.9
Paul Scott https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulscott55/ Advisor Paul Scott photo 27.4
Juan Otero https://www.linkedin.com/in/joterovila/ Advisor Juan Otero photo 21.6
Tomas Ramanauskas https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomasramanauskas/ Advisor Tomas Ramanauskas photo 4.8
Arnoldas Rogoznyj https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnoldasrogoznyj/ Advisor Arnoldas Rogoznyj photo 4.8
Tadas Langaitis https://www.linkedin.com/in/tadaslangaitis/ Advisor Tadas Langaitis photo 9.4

External links

Unboxed on twitter
Unboxed on telegram
Unboxed on facebook
Unboxed on medium
Unboxed on bitcointalk
Unboxed on github
Unboxed on reddit
Unboxed on youtube
Unboxed official website
Unboxed whitepaper


  1. https://www.unboxed.network

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