Wozencraft ensemble

Wozencraft ensemble is a set of in which most of codes satisfy the . It is named after , who proved its existence. The ensemble is described by , who attributes it to Wozencraft. used the Wozencraft ensemble as the inner codes in his construction of strongly explicit asymptotically good code.


Existence theorem

Theorem: Let varepsilon > 0. For a large enough k, there exists an ensemble of inner codes C_{in}^1,cdots,C_{in}^N of tfrac{1}{2}, where N = q^k - 1, such that for at least (1 - varepsilon)N values of i, C_{in}^i has relative distance geqslant H_q^{ - 1} left(tfrac{1}{2} - varepsilon right ).

Here relative distance is the ratio of minimum distance to block length. And H_q is the q-ary entropy function defined as follows:

H_q(x) = xlog_q(q-1)-xlog_qx-(1-x)log_q(1-x).

In fact, to show the existence of this set of linear codes, we will specify this ensemble explicitly as follows: for alpha in mathbb{F}_{q^k } - { 0}, define the inner code

begin{cases} C_{in}^alpha :mathbb{F}_q^k to mathbb{F}_q^{2k} \ C_{in}^alpha (x) = (x,alpha x) end{cases}

Here we can notice that x in mathbb{F}_q^k and alpha in mathbb{F}_{q^k}. We can do the multiplication alpha x since mathbb{F}_q^k is isomorphic to mathbb{F}_{q^k}.

This ensemble is due to Wozencraft and is called the Wozencraft ensemble.

For all x, y in mathbb{F}_q^k, we have the following facts:

  1. C_{in}^alpha (x) + C_{in}^alpha (y) = (x,alpha x)+(y,alpha y) = (x + y,alpha (x + y)) = C_{in}^alpha (x + y)
  2. For any a in mathbb{F}_q, aC_{in}^alpha (x) = a(x,alpha x) = (ax,alpha (ax)) = C_{in}^alpha (ax)

So C_{in}^alpha is a linear code for every alpha in mathbb{F}_{q^k } - { 0} .

Now we know that Wozencraft ensemble contains linear codes with rate tfrac{1}{2}. In the following proof, we will show that there are at least (1 - varepsilon)N those linear codes having the relative distance  geqslant H_q^{ - 1} left (tfrac{1}{2} - varepsilon right ), i.e. they meet the Gilbert-Varshamov bound.


To prove that there are at least (1-varepsilon)N number of linear codes in the Wozencraft ensemble having relative distance geqslant H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right), we will prove that there are at most varepsilon N number of linear codes having relative distance < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) i.e., having distance < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k.

Notice that in a linear code, the distance is equal to the minimum weight of all codewords of that code. This fact is the . So if one non-zero codeword has weight < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k, then that code has distance < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k.

Let P be the set of linear codes having distance < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k. Then there are |P| linear codes having some codeword that has weight < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k.

Lemma. Two linear codes C_{in}^{alpha_1} and C_{in}^{alpha_2} with alpha_1, alpha_2 in mathbb{F}_{q^k} distinct and non-zero, do not share any non-zero codeword.
Proof. Suppose there exist distinct non-zero elements alpha_1, alpha_2 in mathbb{F}_{q^k} such that the linear codes C_{in}^{alpha_1} and C_{in}^{alpha_2} contain the same non-zero codeword y. Now since y in C_{in}^{alpha_1}, y = (y_1,alpha_1 y_1) for some y_1 in mathbb{F}_q^k and similarly  y = (y_2,alpha_2 y_2) for some y_2 in mathbb{F}_q^k. Moreover since y is non-zero we have y_1, y_2 ne 0. Therefore (y_1,alpha_1 y_1) = (y_2,alpha_2 y_2), then y_1 = y_2 ne 0 and alpha_1 y_1 = alpha_2 y_2. This implies alpha_1 = alpha_2, which is a contradiction.

Any linear code having distance  <H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k has some codeword of weight < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k. Now the Lemma implies that we have at least |P| different y such that wt(y) < H_q^{-1}left(tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right) cdot 2k (one such codeword y for each linear code). Here wt(y) denotes the weight of codeword y, which is the number of non-zero positions of y.


S = left { y  :  wt(y) < H_q^{ - 1} left (tfrac{1}{2} - varepsilon right ) cdot 2k right }


 begin{align} |P| &leqslant |S|  &leqslant text{Vol}_q left (H_q^{-1} left (tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right ) cdot 2k,2k right ) && text{Vol}_q(r,n) text{ is the volume of Hamming ball of radius } r text{ in } [q]^n  &leqslant q^{H_q left (H_q^{-1}left (frac{1}{2}-varepsilon right ) right ) cdot 2k} && text{Vol}_q(pn,n) leqslant q^{H_q(p )n}  &= q^{ left (frac{1}{2}-varepsilon right ) cdot 2k}  &= q^{k(1-2varepsilon)}  &< varepsilon(q^k-1) && text{ for } k text{ large enough }  &= varepsilon N end{align}

So |P| < varepsilon N, therefore the set of linear codes having the relative distance geqslant H_q^{-1} left (tfrac{1}{2}-varepsilon right ) cdot 2k has at least N - varepsilon N = (1-varepsilon)N elements.

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