Monster Bit

Monster Bit
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Monster Bit ICO Review
Monster Bit ICO
Ticker: MB
ICO start: 2018-02-10 00:00:00
ICO end: 2018-08-20 00:00:00
Price: 1 MB = 0.0002 ETH
Tokens: 6,000,000 MB
Tokentype: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum
Distributed: 80 %
Accepting: ETH

MonsterBit is an analogue of famous cryptogame with interesting additions for both players. They did not reinvest the wheel. They took the successful project and made it stronger in the point of view of functionality and more vibrant from the point of view of design.



Let us introduce you MonsterBit. It is a blockchain game. The new word in the gaming industry.
It is a clone of the most successful cryptogame – the CryptoKittens clone, but even a much more interesting one.
In case you don’t know, the CryptoKittens is a game, where people buy e-kittens and breed them altogether, get one more kitten and sell. The point is that all kittens are unique. Some distinct creatures worth a few hundred thousand of US dollars.
Yes, just a seldom picture can worth such a huge amount of money.
Do you say that the world has gone crazy? Yes, They am agree with you.
So let’s earn money on this craziness!
Monsterbit offers you exactly to do this.
Here you have to feed and grow up your monster, and only then breed it. The most interesting feature in the game is that you do not simply grow up your creature to sell, but grow up a real fighting monster.
With which you can fight other gamers for all the values in the game. Foght for food, weapons and the monster itself. It is very cool!
There will be also advertising monsters in the game. I.e. your monsters will be advertising goods, and you will earn real money on it.
One more unique future of the game is the e-shop of the real stuffed toys. Monster owner gets 15% return on the sale of a toy.
Participate in the ICO and become investor of the best blockchain game year 2018.
What gains a token holder?
You can buy the unique System monsters using tokens. These monsters differ from the monsters to grow up and breed. The System monsters are the generators. They generate the whole system. They generate all monsters, food, weapons and sell them.
I.e. token holders become sellers of the whole values in the game.
Your system monsters will generate, sell and provide you with profit.
1 token = 1 System monster.
There are 7.5 millions of tokens totally. 6 millions of tokens are to be sold. 1.25 millions of tokens go to the team. 250 000 tokes go for bounty.


20.03.2018: PreSale Round 1.
Sale: 1 млн. Price: 0.2$. Bounty: 35 thousand.
10.04.2018: Prototype of the system architecture. Prototype design playground. Implementation of the contract GOD monsters.
11.04.2018 – 25.04.2018: PreSale Round 2.
Sale: 2 млн. Price: 0.5 $. Bounty: 35 thousand.
25.05.2018: Beta version. Realization of MVP playground. Monster shop. Implementation of the contract storing DNA monster. Implementation of the algorithms generating monsters.Debug and stabilize the application.
26.05.2018 – 10.06.2018: Crowdsale. Sale: 3 млн. Price: 1-2$. Bounty: 30 thousand.
01.07.2018: Release. Finished game “The MonsterBit”.
01.08.2018: Battles game design ⦁ Arms armor, ammunition shop[1]


name: title: links: group: photo: iss:
Grachya Pogosyan CEO, Marketing Grachya Pogosyan photo 3
Ivan Gladyshev Game Designer Ivan Gladyshev photo 3
Artur Teregulov CTO Artur Teregulov photo 4
Ilya Vinnikov Lead Backend Developer Ilya Vinnikov photo 4
Alex Yalunin Solidity Developer Alex Yalunin photo 3
Vladimir Sundupey Senior Web-Developer Vladimir Sundupey photo 3
Vitaliy Lebedev Web-Developer Vitaliy Lebedev photo 3

External links

Monster Bit on Twitter
Monster Bit on Telegram
Monster Bit on Facebook
Monster Bit on Bitcointalk
Monster Bit on Github
Monster Bit on Youtube
Monster Bit Official Website
Monster Bit Bounty
Monster Bit Whitepaper



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